Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Chili Queen by Sandra Dallas

What can I say? I love Sandra Dallas. She tells a good story. Not exactly "high literature" but still good for the sole. Her books are ones that you don't want to put down, and look forward to getting back to. During the day, while I'm changing diapers, cleaning up after kids, doing laundry, I look forward to bedtime so I can curl up in my bed and read - escape.

Reading Group Guide Questions

1. Which of Addie’s thoughts and/or actions revealed her true character early in the book?

2. Was your initial impression of Addie consistent with your final impression?

3. When did you first suspect Emma was not all she appeared to be?

4. Did Emma make the only choices possible for her or could you envision other courses of action?

5. Who do you believe to be the true villain of the story?

6. Which character did you most want to find peace and happiness?

7. Were there any clues to Welcome’s true identity early in the story? 8. Were the women in the novel particularly subject to creating masks and facades for themselves? Why or why not?

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